Premium Legalisation Servises
The fastest and easiest way to legalise your document.
We can arrange for the legalisation of documents for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and with our strong relations with all foreign embassies in London and the Arab British chamber of commerce, we offer our services to individuals and companies in the UK and overseas.
We offer efficient and hassle-free legalisation service for your British-issued certificates to be recognised and used by overseas government departments and employers. For those that require it, we can arrange for a new or existing certificate to be legalised and translated from English including qualifications for a work permit, birth, death, marriage certificates, and documents for all Companies and trusted offshore financial services, indeed the original format acceptable by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (“FCO”), but you still can get your photocopies format legalised as well, some documents need to be sworn or witnessed by either a Notary Public or registered Solicitor in the UK prior to submission to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (“FCO”).
Companies documents GUARANTEED to be accepted for all legal and research purposes, companies from a dependant territory will need to be notarised in the territory of original and confirmed by the Governor’s Office prior to submission to the FCO,The alternative is to send us the original documents so that we can then have copies signature verified by a Solicitor in the UK and approved by the FCO, do not hesitate to contact us our legalisation experts are based in the UK and will offer you guidance, help and advice no matter what your needs.